Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm averaging a post twice a month. Sad. David purchased me a couch desk deal from Rite Aid tonight for when I work on my laptop in the living room (in front of the TV) and although it looks sort of like the things I used to see when picking up my dad's medical supplies at Allied Medical, it's really quite wonderful. I can sit any way I want without my legs getting creased and hot from the heat and I don't have to balance anything. Perhaps with this, I'll have the will to live...and post more often. I doubt I'll be posting with any regularity until Lily's at least in high school.

I've been so torn lately with how much time I spend with her. I'm constantly complaining about not spending enough time but the past couple days I feel like I've actually been getting a decent amount of personal time and must say it's been a relief. I feel more relaxed and on top of things but an equal amount of guilt persists. What's that all about? My missed period?

The Cooper/Young festival was last weekend and seemed to go down well. With the exception that my husband wanted hardly anything to do with me due to the insane amount of attention he was getting and starved of, I know. His neglectful behavior was justified but it was sort of disappointing for me, nonetheless. I would never let him know that, though, for fear he would misinterpret my feelings to mean something negative directed at him and how much he deserves to finally be happy about something he's done. He totally deserves every minute of it and I couldn't be more proud and gloaty. I can't believe I actually sent an email to my entire department at work to brag about his stuff. I felt weird but couldn't resist. It's really good; look: www.treering.etsy.com. The plywood tray is my favorite: