Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Little Something or Two About Me

My husband is a woodworker and will make this clothes tree for Lily (read: me) if I have anything to do with it:

Here is a list of blogs I currently have bookmarked:

Aunty Cookie - It's probably about time I remove this one from my bookmarks because I can't remember why it's saved

print & pattern - Same as above; I can't remember much about this site and never go to it but just now when I looked at it again I thought I should go back because it looks inviting

Dooce - I discovered Dooce several years ago when I was living in Phoenix and missing Memphis. It was comforting to read about someone from home even though neither of us were still there. At that time we were both married with no children and I could relate to a lot of the stuff she talked about. I've been reading her off and on ever since. I now have a little girl almost 2 years younger than hers so it's nice to read about what I can expect for the future. Except for the fame and fortune she seems to have secured.

One Good Thing - I absolutely love Flea's perspective on life. She seems so normal and unpretentious but super intelligent and I just love how much we agree on. It's reassuring and makes me feel a little less alone.

Bitch Ph.D. - This is one of those blogs you can't help but wonder if the author's portrayal of life is as sincere as it's perceived. I mean, really, professor, mom, feminist, open marriage, I just have a hard time believing one person can exist with such a fabulously open minded and progressive life. I have no problem with her decisions, if they're for real, but I remain skeptical. Perhaps that says more about how unexciting my life is than how fake hers could be.

The Apostate - I bookmarked this one night and have never been able to dig past the first page to determine if I'll really read it. I suspect it's a little to deep for me.

Mighty Girl - I'm constantly reading about her on other blogs, I thought I'd go ahead and bookmark her.

Suburban Bliss - I don't actually have her site bookmarked, but I type it in often enough to call myself a somewhat regular visitor. I discovered her about the same time as Dooce; several years ago. But I always feel a little uncomfortable there, like she's judging me through the screen or something. I don't know, but she scares me a little. She seems kind of mean like she could hurt me, but I'm pretty wimpy, so, Melissa, if you ever read this, that's not saying much.

Thanks for learning a little something about me.